Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learn Hypnosis Video Series has just posted a link to access a 10-video series by hypnotist Jeffery Stephens on how to hypnotize anyone in just a few minutes. He's a little more militant about it, but he shares my views that hypnosis doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out process to be effective. Click here for access to the 10 hypnosis learning videos. In these videos, he shows demonstrations of waking hypnosis, and speaks on topics such as congruency, context, and intent.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Textbook Hypnosis

I'm consistently asked for recommendations on where to learn hypnosis and how best to approach the topic. If you're looking for a tome on clinical hypnosis, one of my favorite books is Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis by Michael D. Yapko. It provides a good basis for beginners and is a good reference refresher along the way to mastery. And if you're scared by it's massive 620 pages of content, it even comes in a Kindle Edition.

If you're looking for something a little shorter, or maybe more classic, Hypnotherapy by Dave Elman is a good bet. Written in the 60's, it's the basis of many current practitioners' methods.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hypnotic Shield

One of the things that I always recommend for anyone getting hypnotized by random videos and mp3s from non-trusted sources is to be aware of what suggestions the hypnotist is making.

If you're someone who finds themselves particularly suggestible, or who wants a little extra security, it can be useful to go through a session of protective suggestions. Typically, these suggestions give you more control over what suggestions you accept in future hypnosis trancework.

The idea is that if you take to suggestions well, getting in with good, empowering suggestions beforehand can help you deal with anything unscrupulous later. Additionally, if you have been given suggestions you don't want anymore, a protective hypnosis session can help to remove them more quickly, if they aren't fading fast enough.

I was recently presented with this protective hypnosis video, titled "The Hypnotic Shield" that helps you remove unwanted hypnotic suggestions and effects, and have more control over which ones you accept in the future. I highly recommend watching a video like this one if you're perusing YouTube or other sites for hypnosis sessions. Everything I heard and saw in the video seemed supportive, but like any other video, I suggest you watch it one piece at a time or check a transcript to be sure it's what you're looking for. I'd like to thank The Hypnotic Orchard for sharing it, so that I can share it with you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hiring a Stage Hypnotist

Now, I’m neither an event promoter, nor a professional stage hypnotist, but I do know a little about each, and I was recently approached about doing a stage show for an organization some of my friends and acquaintances are affiliated with.

The request was rather vauge, in that they were just wanting a hypnotist to hypnotize folks in attendance, and it was ‘entirely up to me’.

When you get right down to it, however, any time you hire entertainment, you typically have some idea of what you’re looking for, and it’s in both your best interests and the entertainment’s to ensure understanding of these desires. You want to be satisfied with how you’ve spent your money, and the entertainment, hypnotist or not, is probably interested in being invited back for another performance.

When you’re looking for a stage hypnotist, here are a few guidelines:

1. Know what you’re looking to get out of the show. Are you looking for comedy? New-Agey wonderment? Relaxation or motivation? Something more edgy? Most hypnotists will have a mix of these elements; some will lean heavily in one direction. If the hypnotist has examples of their work, like a demo reel of hypnosis videos, be sure to see if that showcased work is what you’re looking for. If the hypnotist fits, make sure to still let them know what you’re looking to get, because that will help them plan ahead or even decide on the spot what they might do.

2. Know how big the show will likely be. Be able to describe the size of the show to the hypnotist, in terms of both scope and length. If he or she is to headline and perform for two hours before a several hundered people eating dinner, it’s much different from performing in a relaxed setting with perhaps a dozen audience members for 45 minutes. This will allow him or her to work with you to know what sort of setup work must be done, and what sort of bits they might consider using.

3. Discuss the venue. Will the hypnotist need chairs? Lights and sound? Elevators or disco balls or a plug in for his spiral disc? The answer to the first two, at least, is probably yes. Most of the time, hypnotists are improvisational artists at heart, so a missing element won’t stop the show as long as they know what they’ll be dealing with.

With these three tips, you should be in a much better position when looking to hire an entertainment hypnotist for your next event.